Side by Side

4 weeks of intensive coaching and sectionals with ISO musicians, concluding with a performance featuring the winner of the Michael Ben and Illene Komisarow Maurer Young Musicians Contest.

Some 2024 Highlights...

40 students participated in the program!
28 ISO musicians participated as coaches.
Students came from 17 different schools around Indiana!

2024 - 2025 Deadlines and Schedule

Friday, November 1 - Registration Due

Tuesday, January 21 - Rehearsal: 5-7PM

Tuesday, January 28 - Rehearsal: 5-7PM

Saturday, February 1 - Rehearsal: 10AM-3PM

Tuesday, February 4 - Rehearsal: 5-7PM

Saturday, February 8 - Rehearsal: 10AM-3PM

Tuesday, February 11 - Rehearsal with ISO: 10AM-3:30PM

Wednesday, February 12 - Concert: 6:30PM

The Side-by-Side experience was just magnificent. The musical environment was spectacular! Entering into Side-by-Side really gave me an experience that was unforgettably remarkable I learned many new things which were quite beneficial and will definitely help me out in the long run for my musical career that of viola performance! All in all I couldn't ask for more what a remarkable and memorable time I had, thank you to all the ISO mentors they did their amazing job in bettering us and structuring us musically!

2019 Participant


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