Music of Monkey's Jungle Jam
1.“…the morning sunrise.”
2. “…breeze with its songs.”
Movement: Reach up high – form a tree. Swish and sway in the breeze.
3. “…that had not finished yet.”
Movement: Creep along in slow motion to sloth’s sleepy potion.
4. “…announced afternoon showers”
Movement: Wiggle fingers up high. Drizzle rain from the sky.
5. “…his snare drum.”
Movement: Jump up from the ground when you hear the drum sound.
6. “…with clackity-clacks.”
Movement: Try clapping along to the xylophone song.
7. “…fine Stradivarius cello.”
Movement: Listen with ears as a sweet song appears.
8. “…to the snap of her bass.”
Movement: Snap fingers, tap feet, to the jazzy bass beat.
9. “…smooth as her fur.”
Movement: Snap fingers, tap feet, to the jazzy bass beat.
10. “…jumbly-jam mess!”
11. “just chirped out his beat…”
12. “Jungle Jam now had ten.”
Movement: Hurray! Dance and move to the Jungle Jam groove!
13. Full Performance!
14. Full Performance with James Beckel!
Here’s another read along version with music by James Beckel. As a composer, he used his imagination to create brand new music that goes with the story!
Meet the Musicians Behind Monkey’s Jungle Jam!
Roger Roe – English Horn
Rebecca Price Arrensen – Piccolo
Samuel Rothstein – Bass Clarinet
Cathryn Gross – E-flat Clarinet
Pedro Fernandez – Percussion
Ju-Fang Liu – Bass
Jung-Hsuan (Rachel) Ko – Cello
Victoria Kintner Griswold – Violin