Is it your dream to work for one of the nation’s premier symphony orchestras? Whether it's actually playing for the orchestra, serving in an administrative position, or participating in one of many internships, the ISO is a wonderful place to work.
Administrative Staff Positions
To apply for an open job, please submit your résumé and cover letter to jobs@indianapolissymphony.org
Customer Care Representative (full-time)
Customer Care Representative (part-time)
Please email auditions@indianapolissymphony.org with any questions
Metropolitan Youth Orchestra Positions
The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra is always looking to add dynamic teachers to the faculty! Candidates who apply and meet the basic qualifications will be contacted for a phone interview, followed by an in-person interview. Candidates who qualify for final consideration will be brought in to teach a lesson or conduct an ensemble.
Learn moreInternships
The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra is the largest performing arts organization in the state of Indiana. Our internships provide great opportunities to gain professional experience in a unique work environment. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra values quality work and commitment and is willing to invest resources in your learning experience.
Learn more
Getting to know Indianapolis
Indianapolis is a great place to live and work! If you’re new to central Indiana, check out these links:
Indianapolis neighborhood guide